phpRestaurant ā Full list of features
- This script comes with a powerful CMS;
- Supports multi-languages (Default languages: ENGLISH and ROMANIAN);
- Book tables online ā interactive way to book a table;
- Make catering orders with foods managed from CMS;
- Interactive foods book;
- Events;
- Photo galleries;
- Contact page with Google Map Build-in ā can be modified from Control Panel;
- Contact page with Contact form;
- 2 User roles (Administrator / Client);
- Access the control panel via Login/Register features;
- Reports ā (for admins and managers only);
- Manage foods ā Add/Remove/Edit foods ā (for admins and managers only);
- Manage orders and bookings (for admins and managers only);
- Manage events (Add events) (for admins and managers only);
- Manage users (Add/edit/remove users) (for admins and managers only);
- Change restaurant informations (for admins and managers only);
- My account page (for any user role);
- Fancy page preloader;
- Control Panel with My account area;
- 100% Responsive ā Made with Bootstrap v3.2.0;
- Mobile friendly Gallery and Events sliders;
- Made with security in mind (Stable version);